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Expedition offered from 250 € TTC

In Europe, outside Crete & Greece

Expedition offered from € 250 including tax in Europe outside Crete & Greece
Préparer la mise en eau de votre bateau pneumatique

Prepare the implementation of your pneumatic boat

With the return of sunny days, the owners of semi-rigid boats will again be able to indulge in their passion and to attack the waves, for a full season of excursions, sea walks, fishing sessions or other leisure activities and water sports.

If putting in the water a boat appears to be an easy thing, even the most experienced can be surprised, forget a step, or waste time ... This is why Orca Retail offers you to review some good advice to lead to well this operation of implementing your semi-rigid! 


What steps are necessary for impressive and navigation?

First of all, in order to navigate the interior waters of a country - and in our case, France - you must record your pleasure boat if you have not done so in the past.

To do this, you must complete this document: Interior watershed for the commissioning of a pleasure boat (Cerfa n ° 14682*01) .

Then it must be sent to Interior Water Navigation Service Service

At the end of this procedure, you will receive a traffic map.

Once in possession of this card, ask your port and its harbor master's office to ensure the following points:

  • If you decide to keep your boat in Port waters, to have negotiated your regular location
  • Good buoyancy and safety condition of your boat
  • Possible hours or days for impact
  • Required documents

Indeed, in the event of control by a river brigade or the coast guard, know that you must always be in possession of your on-board documents, under penalty of fine.

So check that you have your boat license, an identity document, the trailer registration card, insurance certificates, and a fishing permit if necessary.


What precautions to take to succeed in semi-rigid sea?

First, an overview of your semi-rigid boat and an inspection is essential, to make sure that it did not suffer during the wintering.

Start by checking the loading condition of your battery then the proper functioning of your electronic devices, first of all those adjoining navigation (GPS, controls), then those concerning your navigation comfort (refrigerator, automated elements, annexed lights , radio, etc.).

Then plan a good refuel For your boat tank, and possibly provide additional reserves. Orca Retail offers you a range of flexible fuel tanks, but also for clear and used waters. You can then do an engine test to make sure it turns out well, and that the propeller turns properly.

The third precautionary stage to prepare your implementation is to make sure that your semi-rigid boat is not going ... flow! Remember to install well NABLE CAP. More generally, Check the waterproofing of your boat And its level of wear. If a fragility appears to be able to lead to a risk of subsequent rupture of your semi-rigid sausages, it is undoubtedly high time to repair or strengthen them using our Orca neoprene Hypalon fabrics.

Available by cutting for all semi-rigid pneumatic boats models, discover our full range now and have you delivered quickly to Europe.

Finally, it is always good to provide a maintenance kit To carry out unforeseen repairs. Again, Orca Retail assists you: degreasing cleaners, anti -mold products, protective waxes, glues, hardenzers, rating bands ... You will find everything basic necessary for the maintenance of your semi-rigid in our online store.

In all logic, you have fully cleaned your boat for prepare for wintering, but after long months of storage, a small cleaning and dusting session is always welcome!

If you have a doubt about the control or the general condition of your semi-rigid and you wish to request the opinion or intervention of a professional, we invite you to consult our network of partner repairers throughout Europe. 


How to proceed for the implementation in itself?

Finally comes the fateful moment: the implementation of your semi-rigid pneumatic boat, which you now need to unload your trailer.

In all and for everything, a waterproofing should hardly take more 5 minutes.

Follow the following advice and steps to succeed in this time and do not attract the exasperation of other boaters!

Think upstream of Take your towing equipment well such as the winch crank and rear straps, or you may have great difficulties in putting your implementation. It would indeed be a shame for example to have to cut the strap because you are missing the crank which allows you to disengage the winch!

The first step in watering is to load all the equipment necessary for your first outing on your semi-rigid boat.

Take on for your security of the distress, enough life vests, your navigation instruments external if that is the case, and your communication tools (radio or mobile phone and their water protections) to always keep in touch with the shore.

If you do the operation alone and you need to move away at a time, store the most coveted elements and your personal effects in discreet or secure compartments to avoid unpleasant surprises. Be sure to place your equipment and accessories well so that when going back into reverse, they do not slip and fall into the water!

Then remember to take any other accessory that will make your release a success: meals, drinks, fishing equipment or sports (skis, wakeboard, traction cables), bathing towels, etc.

In a second step, go back to reverse with your trailer towards the slope leading to the water. Back up until your tires are immersed below the rim. No need to go back too far and have your tires entirely in the water : If your trailer is well adjusted, it will do her job well. Note that if you immerse your trailer and there is a problem, your assurance may refuse you assistance.

Adapt your speed and the level of immersion as a function of the inclination of said slope and your type of trailer ("brittle" or not). No need to rush, make sure that the angle is good, and no obstacle disturbs the operation. Look in your rear view mirror or have someone attend. If you are alone and you have to get out of your vehicle, make sure that your hand brake is activated.

Once properly placed at the entrance to the water, for the third stage of your implementation, Gradually unroll the trailer strap Who holds your boat until the boat is afraid.

We recommend that you do not have your pneumatic boat entirely out of your trailer at this time. It is good that it is partly retained by the last "rollers" of the trailer so that it remains called.

Screw the boat from the strap and embark aboard your semi-rigid, after taking care to cut the engine from your car and put the handbrake. Start your boat engine, and slowly maneuct in the port towards the platform where you can moor.

Finally, go to your vehicle again to clear the lane, and take the direction of the Port car park.


You are ready to get sea, and we just have to wish you a superb season!


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